
New Jersey’s Support for Organ and Tissue Donation Reached an All-Time High

In 2021, New Jerseyans continued to show their caring spirit like never before as it was another record-breaking year for NJ Sharing Network – saving and enhancing more lives! The number of organ donors in a single year reached an all-time high as 233 generous individuals gave the gift of life, a 5% increase over last year’s previous record.

We owe these achievements, first and foremost, to our donor heroes, as well as their supportive families. We forever honor them for their selfless decision to save and enhance the lives of countless others who now have more holidays, birthdays and special moments to share with their loved ones.

We are also grateful for the extraordinary efforts of our team members and healthcare partners who work around the clock to help power our life-saving mission. The miracle of donation and transplantation would not be possible without the dedicated support and expertise of our local transplant centers and hospital partners.

The number of New Jerseyans saying ‘YES’ to registering as an organ and tissue donor also jumped 8.3% in 2021, underscoring the overwhelming support for donation in the Garden State.

In 2021, 599 organs were transplanted thanks to donors in New Jersey, including 322 kidneys, 151 livers (new record for liver recoveries), 57 hearts, 49 lungs and 20 pancreases. In addition, 42,112 eye and tissue donations healed and enhanced the quality of life for those in need. Tissue donations include corneas, heart valves, skin grafts, bone grafts, saphenous veins, ligaments, and tendons.

According to United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), nearly 4,000 people in New Jersey are on the organ transplant waiting list, and one person dies every three days waiting for a transplant. However, New Jersey’s generosity is providing hope for the future. One organ donor can save eight lives, and one tissue donor can enhance the lives of over 75 people.

NJ Sharing Network is well prepared to handle what comes our way thanks to friends, like you. We now move ahead – together – with the hope of even-brighter days to come! Let’s never lose sight of the many blessings we’ve been given, and remember that even the simplest act of kindness can make a world of difference to those around us.

Thank you for giving of yourself to help others and for all that do to save and enhance lives each and every day!

Joseph S. Roth President and Chief Executive Officer